University of Flannel

Monday, August 25, 2014

I've been so busy with end of summer health issues, sorority recruitment, and moving.
I'm now a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, and I officially live in Lawrence, and I'm beyond psyched. I went from living a  completely anti social life in small town Kansas, to making friends all over the world the past few months, and rooming with the most amazing girls, and adoring every single human being that crosses my path. I'm so in love with this city, this college, and these people. I've already made a ridiculous amount of memories, and this is only the first day. If I could give one piece of advice to you all on the interweb, it would be this: live somewhere you love. Don't settle for simple "acceptance," but rather THRIVE on your surroundings and allow them to shape you into the person you are meant to be. I genuinely hope that your whole year is as lovely as the beginning of mine has been.

top: JCP

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